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Salford 0-19 Health Visiting and School Nursing Service

The 0-19 Health Visiting and School Nursing teams provide a universal health service for all children that reside or are educated in Salford.

The 0-19 teams contain a mix of qualified Health Visitors, School Nurses, Community Staff Nurses, Community Nursery Nurses and School Health Assistants.

Health Visitors and School Nurses are registered nurses who have completed a post-registration graduate programme and are registered as a Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (SCPHN). They are able to provide support and advice around health promotion and healthy lifestyles options to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities based on the Healthy Child Programme (2021).

There are currently:

  • 4 Locality teams, North, Central, South and West
  • 1 Universal Partnership Plus Team
  • 1 0-19 Immunisation Team (0-5 and School aged imms)
  • 1 Family Nurse Partnership Team

Qualified Health Visitors and School Nurses are registered nurses who have completed a post-registration graduate programme and are registered as a Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (SCPHN). They are able to provide support and advice around health promotion and healthy lifestyles options to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities based on the Healthy Child Programme (2021).

The 0-19 service provides expert evidence based health information, assessments and interventions for babies, children, and young people and their parents and carers.

Your Health Visitor or School Nurse may also undertake additional health assessments/development reviews when requested or identified by parents, carers or professionals.

The 0-19 Immunisation Team leads on and delivers the Childhood Immunisation Programme that is offered to all school aged children, the immunisation sessions are facilitated in the school setting throughout each year by the Immunisation team supported by the Universal teams.

You can contact the 0-19 service at any time between 9am-5pm or leave a voicemail for advice and support.  A duty member of staff will contact you back on the same day or next working day to gather further information. 

The 0-19 service can also offer home visits or to meet at an alternative venue, for example, GP practices, Family Hubs or within schools.

If you would like to discuss or request a visit, support or advice you can contact the Universal Team within your locality area.

Where to go

St James's House
Children's Services
Pendleton Way
M6 5FW

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Time of day